Archive for the 'isometric' Category

Voxel Play

Sunday, December 28th, 2008

When I was a junior in college I programmed a small 3D engine using math I didn’t understand. At the time, I didn’t know that I had created something like a voxel 3D engine.

When I began working with processing I learned about voxels through the forums - I remember seeing some great voxel perlin noise, metaballs and other fun experiments there…

Anyway, I was trying to think of a good reason to use a triple nested for loop (for and voxels came to mind. I spent the rest of the day playing around and ended up with some interesting results….

continue reading to see the interactive flash version…

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Isometric Oscillation

Friday, September 19th, 2008

While testing out my fast drawing library I created a handful of isometric planes. Most of these came out pretty standard and uninteresting looking - but they served the purpose of testing the flexibility of my API.

One plane came out rather interesting - its made up of 4,900 oscillating circles. Each circle oscillates up and down and changes from a light to dark color. I offset the oscillation of each circle using two cosine waves.

Click on the above image to view flash version